This was an impromptu trip with my friends, and on this trip I learned that leaving your comfort zone of electricity and technology and fluffy pillows is not necessarily bad.
Despite the tick bite, the poison-ivy-dodging, the rain-in-tent, the sleeping on a rock, the strenuous climb upward, the tugging at my heart thinking about Jake and my kitties, the fear of danger, and the slippery mountain paths, we discussed how God is infinitely good and wants to protect us as a father protects His child-- despite difficult circumstances endured. Everything is a part of His perfect plan that we cannot see with our limited-earthly eyes. His tapestry woven piece by piece; we don't see the answers until it is finished, until He says "Well done" and we can step back, no longer seeing through the glass dimly. Our job on earth is to trust and obey the One whose purposes are for good, not intending us harm.
Now,back to the hike: it was hard, muscles aching and swear pouring, but once we reached the summit, the grandeur of what we worked for was revealed to us in a perfect mountain-masterpiece-- as the fog lingered over the tree-carpeted hills and the endorphins crept throughout my fatigued body, I thought to myself: God is surely real, and He is surely full-of-grace to have provided me with this view, these friends, and this precious moment to reflect on His power, provision, and protection.

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