First, let's get one thing straight: I'm not a "crafty" person in the sense that I can make really retro-chic jewelry holders out of vintage silverware (though I do admire those people). I am not a painter, an illustrator, or anything of the sort. I often lack the precision necessary to execute effective crafts; in fact, normally when I attempt to "execute" a craft, that's what typically happens--
it is executed (as in . . . it dies).
However, I often tell my students that "lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Today I had a brief lapse in the planning department yet manged to assuage the emergency with . . . a craft. I thought I would share because, while it is not the most technically perfect piece, I thought it was salvageably clever and unique. So, I give you,
"The Wedding Card Silhouette." (Because Anne was too forgetful to buy a wedding card in advance.)
I used white cardstock
I used a magenta sharpie
I used facebook to (creepily stalk) find a picture of my friends
I used a printer to print the photograph (nothing fancy here!)
I used scotch tape & scissors to well, tape and cut . . .
1) Find picture. I purposely chose one that would make a good silhouette, meaning I looked for a shot that showed their features without a great deal of detail.
2) Cut outline of picture out.
3) Tape picture to cardstock.
4) Color cardstock. (You could also use paint; this might make your project neater & fancier.)
5) Remove outline
6) Voila!

7) Now write stuff . . . Joyfully Wed!
Up next: painting vases . . .
it is executed (as in . . . it dies).
However, I often tell my students that "lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Today I had a brief lapse in the planning department yet manged to assuage the emergency with . . . a craft. I thought I would share because, while it is not the most technically perfect piece, I thought it was salvageably clever and unique. So, I give you,
"The Wedding Card Silhouette." (Because Anne was too forgetful to buy a wedding card in advance.)

I used white cardstock
I used a magenta sharpie
I used facebook to (creepily stalk) find a picture of my friends
I used a printer to print the photograph (nothing fancy here!)
I used scotch tape & scissors to well, tape and cut . . .
1) Find picture. I purposely chose one that would make a good silhouette, meaning I looked for a shot that showed their features without a great deal of detail.
2) Cut outline of picture out.
3) Tape picture to cardstock.
4) Color cardstock. (You could also use paint; this might make your project neater & fancier.)
5) Remove outline
6) Voila!

7) Now write stuff . . . Joyfully Wed!
Up next: painting vases . . .
Love it!!